
Snackbars inform users of a process that Arc has performed or will perform. They appear temporarily, towards the bottom right-hand side of the viewport. They shouldn’t interrupt the user experience, and they don’t require user input to dismiss.



Temporary alerts of what Arc has performed or will perform.
Purposefully does not provide an error state. Error states are only available in Alerts.


See guidelines on Notifications for help in selecting the correct type of notification.
A base snackbar can easily be created by providing only a message. Clicking the button multiple times will queue up multiple snackbars, showing one at a time until the queue is empty.


import { Snackbar } from '@wpmedia/ads-alert'



Avoid importing Snackbar directly and instead use the provided notification hook: useNotification This hook contains the behavior described on the "Overview" tab.


Snackbar inform users of a process that system has performed or will perform.

Snackbar with action

Snackbar with action inform users of a process that system has performed or will perform and a action is required.
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