
The Frame provides the main structure to the entire application.



A layout component that holds ArcNav, and other layout elements.

The Frame provides the main structure to the entire application and helps position the Page, Sidebar and global navigation correctly. To position the global navigation, Frame asyncronously loads the ArcNav component. See the Page layout foundations for more information on different layout options and styles.


import { Frame } from '@wpmedia/ads-layout'



Since ArcNav is included in Frame, you must pass a valid navigation configuration.

#Without Sidebar

There are no live demos of the layout components since we can't render ArcNav outside of Arc.
<Frame navConfig={...}> <Page>Body</Page> </Frame>

#With Sidebar

<Frame navConfig={...}> <Page sidebar={ <Sidebar>Sidebar</Sidebar> } > Body w/ Sidebar </Page> </Frame>
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