
Most of Arc’s interfaces incorporate buttons allowing users to take actions. They need to be discernible from the rest of a view's content, show some form of feedback from user actions, and need to provide some indication of what the user should expect if clicked.



Distinct components to help key features/functionalities stand out within an interface.


import { Button } from '@wpmedia/ads-button'
interface ButtonProps
"button" | "a" | React.ReactNode = 'button'

Allow for button to be rendered as an anchor or button also allow for a Router component (like from react router)


Text content of the button


Icon to render to the left of the button text. This component should not include any additional properties.

E.g., <Button icon={<SomeIcon />}>Press me</Button>

"default" | "primary" | "publish" | "destructive" | "ghost" | "outline" | "outlinealert" = 'default'

The semantic color variant of the button

#Button Types

There are several types of buttons which make up a hierarchy which help orient users. The view or interface’s primary button is the most important, urgent, or relevant action for the user. Default and ghost buttons are used for additional actions which are available.

#Buttons without Icons (default)

#Buttons with Icons

Use the iconName prop to add an Icon to a Button component.


When looking to create cuttons with icons without text, refer to the IconButton component.

#Primary Buttons

Primary Buttons are used for a key action which a user is most likely to take. We use a primary button when we want to indicate to a user that this is likely the next step which they want to take. Use primary buttons sparingly, only when the action should be emphasized over others in an interface pattern or on a view.

#Default Buttons

Default Buttons should be the most common buttons in a design. Use these for supporting or secondary actions in an interface. Additionally default buttons should be used when no clear hierarchy is needed to provide the best user experience.

#Outline buttons

Outline Buttons are a third option used to denote a deemphasized action. These will often be ‘utility’ actions such as ‘Cancel’ or ‘Discard Changes’. Generally these buttons are used when the weight of the action should be pretty late in relationship with other actions, the rest of the interface, or view.

#Ghost buttons

Ghost Buttons are an additional option used to denote a deemphasized action. The element itself is a button, but visually does not read as one until the element is active and/or focused.

#Disabled buttons

Disabled Button Example Disabled Buttons communicate when a component or element isn’t interactive and should be deemphasized in the UI. To provide clear guidance on what is disabled the hover state of the button supports the specific action that is disabled within a tooltip. The disable button is a distinct button that is used across all button actions when needed.

#When to use a button

Buttons are used for specific actions which aren’t navigation or other change of view. Upload a file, save changes to a view, ‘Go’ perform a search on a specific search term. This line can be a bit blurry, but if the user is doing something other than moving to a different part of the app a button is the right pattern to use. This helps establish clear expectations for users who become familiar with Arc. It should be clear to users that the button will afford them a way to take an action with that interface.

#onPress versus onClick

When using Button, be sure to use onPress instead of onClick. The components in ADS, including the Button component, are built on react-aria and react-stately libraries. Following the example of Adobe Spectrum we've updated our handlers from onClick to onPress. For more information on the reasoning behind this, see the thorough explanation from the Spectrum design system team.

#Accessibility considerations

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