
Cards group related information in a flexible-size container. A card will represent a subject, such as a piece of content, and display information relevant to the user about that subject. Cards often provide an entry point to further details on their subject.

🚧 Under construction

This component is under active development. If you need this component for your project, create an issue in the GitHub repo.


A component that contains and gives structure to information.
Entire card may be clickable, or just certain areas.


  • Display content composed of different elements or data types (photos, videos, text, ect.)
  • User to browse through or explore the content, instead of just scanning (tables are better for scanning).
  • Show a preview of what the card represents in relationship to other content. Users can elect to view more detailed information by interacting with the card.

#Card design guidelines

  • Determine the hierarchy of content on the card clearly.
  • Single subject for the card. A card should not represent more than one idea or object.
  • Avoid unnecessary borders and drop shadows. Use the elevation to show when a card is being interacted with (drag and drop for example).
  • Most important elements of a card (often and image or headline) should be in the upper area of a card and left justified. Consider how the card would work if right justified for internationalization purposes.
  • Use design system spacers to define space between content elements. The card’s container has padding of 16px/1rem. Additional spacing may be accounted for with margins on the content as needed.
  • Divider lines (1px, solid, Gray300) can be used to break up content.

#Component structure

This is an example of a card. Layouts and content will likely be far different depending on the needs of the design. Card Structure
  1. Image
  2. Title or headline
  3. Overflow menu
  4. Detailed information

#Card behavior

Card size and layout changes should be designed to accommodate different devices and viewports.
  1. Desktop card
  2. Mobile, tablet or small viewport card

#Cards & tables

Cards and tables share many properties and interactions but there is a right time to use each.

#When to use cards

  • When there is a large amount or many types of information to be displayed (images, headlines, and badges for example).
  • When you want the user to browse content instead of scanning for specific information.
  • When screen real-estate is less important than information hierarchy.
  • When visual impact is important for the display of information.

#When to use tables

  • When the primary task is to compare different but related objects with nearly identical data points.
  • When there are fewer or shorter data points in the information.
  • When users need to manipulate tabular information. Adding or removing columns as needed, or sorting and filtering as a primary action for the user (Note: sorting and filtering can apply to lists of cards as well).
  • When simple and clean display of information with little hierarchy and variation is needed.


  • Use list markup to group your cards
  • Make sure your cards don't break when lines of content wrap or images don't meet specific aspect ratio requirements
  • Avoid too much functionality and reduce tab stops. Cards shouldn't be miniature web pages.
  • Remember that headings should begin sections. Most everything that belongs to the section should follow the heading in the source.
  • (source:
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